
Who are you?: I'm Andania! Also known as Andi, Dani, Nia, or occasionally Seikumo. I write a lot of self insert fanfiction for fun, I'm learning Japanese and some HTML, and I really enjoy rougelike games and cute Stationery. My interests are a bit all over the place, and I jump between them as the mood hits me.

What's up with your self insert's gender? It seems a little... All over the place.: For me, a self insert isn't always a strict one to one copy of myself. Part of that includes messing around with sexuality and gender, or species, or appearance, or even facets of their personality. Are they an original character at that point? Eh, maybe, but I don't really care about the specifics. I'm just having fun with it.

So yes, on Andania might be a cis man, another a trans man, genderfluid, nonbinary- whatever strikes my interest at the time of writing. Similarly, who they're interested or not interested in might be a bit up in the air, if the fic gets that far.

What about your gender then?: I've decided that caring is optional, so go nuts. Heck, you can call me an entirely different name as long as you make it clear you're talking to/about me.

Okay, but what do you LOOK like?: So like I said, I experiment with my self inserts, so you'll have to snag that from a fic. As for the real person, I'd like to keep it mostly private so let's just say I'm a basic white person with round glasses, brown curly hair and brown eyes.

One of your characters deadnamed themself, is that your real name?: Ehhhh, it varies. Sometimes I make something up, sometimes I use my real name. I'm pretty big on personal privacy so I don't just hand it out, but at the same time it's common enough that using it isn't going to land me a stalker on it's own.

And now onto less personal facts and more fun trivia.

  • My favorite colors at the moment are orange and purple!
  • I love fountain pens and fancy stationery! A lot of my fics are handwritten in rainbow before they're typed up. I use different colors for different characters when there's a lot of people in one area so I can visually see if someone hasn't talked in a while.
  • I don't like watching things most of the time, I just can't focus on something that long without some kind of active mental involvment.
  • My favorite game of all time is Rune Factory 4- I haven't had much of a chance to try out the sequel yet, unfortunately. I'm generally a bigger fan of rpg's, rougelikes, and farming games, although the only genre I really dislike is shooting games, right now.
  • The game I'm currently playing the most is Cult of the Lamb right now.
  • I'm learning Japanese right now! I intend to make a section for that when I have the time.