Welcome! I'm Andania, and this is my personal fanfiction dumping ground. I wanted a place to put all the unedited, incomplete fanfic. Completed works will get posted to my AO3 when they're done, but I wanted something with a bit less reach while I actually write it all. Less Pressure to post quality writing or stick to one idea this way.

You can probably expect ten thousand different renditions of the same core idea here, so feel free to just jump in with whatever fandom you like. General warnings are on the top of each chapter, and any chatter will be (mostly) restricted to the bottom. If a chapter doesn’t have a fandom label, then there’s no fandom content. Yet.

Check out my about page for more about me, if you need it. And if fanfic isn’t your thing, then thanks for giving my site a shot, and better luck next time.

UPDATE! 3/21:

So I completely vanished for like a year, whoops. In my defense, in that time I started learning a new language and pretty much dropped writing altogether for a bit. Trying to get back into it, but it might be a bit off and on as I readjust.

I'm looking at adding a few things to the site- progress on learning Japanese, pages for Lore on my OC's and anything involving them, possibly a blog section (although that might just link to another website and have a few select posts copied over, depending on how the coding works out.) Maybe something for keeping track of progress on my current goals.

I should have some more writing up this week or early next week depending on how everything goes, so keep a look out for that too, of course.

Alright, that's it for this week. Thank you for reading!